Att använda svåra ord gör dig inte smartare

Det finns många fallgropar i hästvärlden. Just nu stöter jag på många som pratar en hel del men som saknar substans så istället gömmer man sig bakom svåra ord och eleverna tror att det är de som är dumma som inte förstår vad läraren menar. I art2ride gruppen hittade jag detta citatet som jag tycker var klockrent. 
"Intimidating language is both commonly and purposely used by people that lack confidence and/or knowledge. If the audience is starstruck by their thesaurus-mining skills, then they are often too distracted or intimidated to question what exactly was said.

The real leaders, the true masters of any craft WANT you to be more knowledgeable. They have no interest in keeping you ignorant so that they may shine brighter. Leaders understand to their core that a candle never loses its brightness by lighting another.

Once you fully understand this then the pseudomasters begin to glow an ugly shade of green with envy and reveal themselves very quickly."

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